Experience With Mental Adversity

    When I recollect mental adversity challenges that I have faced, the most notable and recent confrontation I have experienced is running a marathon. Mental adversity refers to the difficulties and challenges that individuals face in relation to their mental health and well-being. While running a marathon, you learn to run the race in your mind, battling only yourself to get to the finish line. There are a few key tips that I can suggest that will help you in achieving any goal you have set that will battle your inner mind.

    Starting with your language and visualization, your inner voice determines how you approach something. What we tell ourselves while walking up to the plate, either boosts or demoralizes your confidence. The sight of success will help pull you towards your goal, telling your body to get that action done in result so your mind can experience the glory. Following that, Setting and following small goals will help you find the positives in hard things. When I ran my first mile, I didn’t want to look up and think of the 25 miles that are ahead of me, but rather look forward to the 2nd mile and the journey that rests within it. Following that process, it leads to an amazing outcome. When you trust and follow the process, there is no need to chase the outcome rather it will come to you.

    When the adversity you face puts you down, pushing you into a dark hole, you need to rely on putting a smile on your face. We are less capable when we take things more seriously than when we are having fun. When we are happy, we are more energized, more intelligent, and able to perform at a higher level. This is what was able to give me the upper edge during my running, helping me clock my first marathon at a time of 4 hours 42 minutes, and 48 seconds.

We studied mental toughness in ultra-marathon runners. Mind over matter is  real — but won't take you all the way


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