Blog 4: The Calloused Mind


The term "Calloused mind" is a mindset forged by David Goggins. It refers to a figurative state of a person's mind that has become hardened or insensitive due to repeated exposure to difficult experiences and challenges. This can result in a person becoming less emotionally and mentally receptive or empathetic toward others and their circumstances. In Goggins's book, Can’t Hurt Me, he references callousing your mind the same as you would callous your hands. Repeated distress and pressure from doing an activity leading to a hardened layer of protection. An instance of this is pushing the hardest when you want to quit the most. This is the reason why you must do your best work when you are the least motivated.


Now as you ask, how can you callous your mind? It is quite simple, the same way we callous our bodies; by exposing it to discomfort and pain until the layer of calluses forms naturally. This could be running through pain or even challenging yourself academically, this term can be embedded into every situation life throws at us. This is a very demanding challenge for the normal person however if you do attempt to adopt this mindset, I’ll leave you with the takeaway that left a mark on me.


“Either you get scorched to cinders, or you stay aflame — but one thing’s for sure: You can’t burn where the fire has already been.” – Oswald Kyrre

David Goggins Changed My Life: Can't Hurt Me Review - The Ultimate Primate


Austin, TX: Lioncrest Publishing, [2018], p. 363.


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