Blog 2: Physical strength builds mental strength

 In what ways does physical strength relate to mental strength? 

Physical strength builds mental strength, the two are related in several ways. Exercising has been proven throughout many studies to increase dopamine levels, which leads to a decrease in stress and even depression. When working out, the body releases a mix of hormones that creates an action-reward-action cycle. This is why you feel amazing after a good workout, giving you enough motivation to come back harder the next day. Exercise can also help inspire better habits. study from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine found that when participants reduced their sedentary time each day, they also ended up reducing their daily fat intake, even though they weren’t instructed to change their eating habits. This creates an overall healthier lifestyle, improving happiness and laying out a domino effect upon your lifestyle.

With reference to my life, the physicality I have endured on my body has immensely impacted me for the greater good. Recently, I put myself to the test of running a marathon. This was the most physical pain I have encountered while putting my mental strength and endurance on the line. The thoughts that pass your mind throughout 26.2 miles will not only see how determined you are but will show your focus and ability to push through discomfort and fatigue. Your mind will be clouded with thoughts of making the pain stop, tearing you apart from the inside while you are still moving along, step by step. And, every single step was worth it. To this day, running a marathon is one of my proudest achievements and I will forever savor the feeling of accomplishment, knowing that I have what it takes to push myself to the limit, and so do you. 


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