
Showing posts from April, 2023

Misconceptions about mental strength

  As I research this topic, I was fascinated by all the misconceptions and myths that were brought forth. The three that suck out to me the most were:   ·       Mental strength and mental health are the same thing. ·       You’re either mentally strong or mentally weak. ·       M entally strong people don't ask for help.   In an article written by Amy Morin , she pointed out these misconceptions and regarded them as silly, noting that believing in these myths can prevent you from developing the mental strength you need to reach your greatest potential. Mental strength and mental health have been closely correlated in my writings throughout this year and it is key to note the similarities and differences between the two. Mental health isn’t something we can control, mental strength is. Factors such as genetics and past life experiences can lead to someone developing a mental health ...

Diving into your support system

     In an article published by Highland Springs Specialty Clinic, Dr. Julia Hood Ph.D. explained the importance of a support system and how it can positively benefit your mental health. She noted that a  recent report by the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health suggests that one in six American adults faces mental health problems . Dr. Hood defined a support system as " a network of people that can provide you with practical or emotional support."  Building a support system can help individuals facing mental health issues improve their overall health and reduce stress and anxiety. Social support can come in many forms and can vary in effect from person to person. Healthy distractions, positive influence, and moral upbringing can help assist in the ways to show support to others. These only name a few variables that can influence an individual's support, as many things can alter the change in an individual's backing. The second article I depicted was by...